Why you need to Create a Home Inventory

Fires, hurricanes, natural disasters, and other unforeseen events can strike at any moment and leave you with lost property and financially devastated. While no one wants to be in that position, it’s fair to say that between all the hurricanes, wildfires, and other...

ClaimsPro USA: Tips to Help You Stay Safe in the Water

With the weather getting warmer people are starting to enjoy the water-based activity. Water actives are fun, but it’s essential to always be aware of the risks associated with swimming, both in the pool and in the ocean. As you get you and your loved ones ready to...

Why You Should Choose ClaimsPro USA

Are you having trouble getting an adequate settlement from your insurance claim? Have you been denied a claim? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions, you are not alone. Many people have been victimized by those who should be helping them the most, their...

ClaimsPro USA: Why you need a Public Claims Adjuster

Hurricane Michael caused over 8.1 billion dollars in damages and claimed the lives of 54 people. It was truly a devastating demonstration of the force of nature, one that should not be taken lightly or be forgotten. Hurricanes are dangerous and have the capacity to...
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