Property insurance is supposed to help relieve the financial burden on homeowners after the devastating event. But what if your property damage claim has been denied or underpaid?

Underpaid claims are too common, and we totally understand how helpless you feel when you are under the pressure of accepting an insurance claim which is less than what you expected.

In this situation, you may often assume that there’s no other choice than to accept it, however, you still have options. This is where a public insurance adjuster can help. But before getting knowledge on how a public adjuster can help in your underpaid damage claim, let’s know the reasons why your claim is underpaid and what measures you should take.


Underpaid Insurance Claim ClaimsPro USA

Why do insurance companies underpay claims?

Following are some common reasons why your insurance claim is underpaid:

  • Company adjusters are usually paid based on quantity over quality, so they try to close claims ASAP. To close the claim as fast as possible, they may not conduct a thorough inspection and forgot to add all underlying damage, which ends up in an underpaid claim.
  • Sometimes insurance companies may attempt to pay the right amount. But due to less experience of their insurance adjuster, you may get fewer amounts. Inexperienced adjusters sometimes don’t know what to look for to get an accurate idea of the damage, resulting in less estimated cost for your damage.
  • Another reason why your claims are underpaid is the bad faith tactics of insurance companies. Insurance companies are in this business to make money therefore, they try every possible tactic like unreasonable depreciation, use fault or outdated price list, absurd calculations, etc. to avoid paying you a higher claim amount.
  • Most policyholders are probably not an expert in handling insurance claims. Insurance companies take advantage of these and underpay their claim. If you’re like those policyholders, don’t settle for an underpaid claim, get help from a professional insurance adjuster and fight for a higher settlement.

Steps to take if your claim is being underpaid:

  1. Find out why your claim was underpaid: If you think your claim is too underpaid, the first thing you should do is request your company to provide a letter explaining what damages are being covered and what not. Don’t be afraid to contact your insurance company if you don’t understand the reason they provide or if it’s unclear or ambiguous.
  2. Read your policy carefully and know your rights: Sometimes claims may get underpaid or denied due to misunderstanding on the part of your insurance company. Read your insurance policy carefully to know what rights and coverage you have under your policy so that you can bring any discrepancies to your adjuster’s attention.
  3. Document everything: Most of the time, claims get underpaid due to lack of documentation. For instance, during the storm, leaking water damages your roof and walls, the documentation may not show the extent or cost of damage. If your claim is underpaid, review all the documents you have.
  4. Ask for second inspecting: If you disagree with your insurance company’s assessment of your damaged property, you can request a second inspection
  5. Get professional help: Without much knowledge or experience of the insurance claims, you may be at a disadvantage while filing an insurance claim. In such a situation, your insurance company may take benefit and convince you to settle for the minimum amount. Having an expert public adjuster by your side will level the playing field between you and your insurer and ensure that your claim is paid fairly.

How a Private Insurance Adjuster Can Help?

Public Adjusters (a.k.a. Private Adjusters) are licensed insurance professionals who serve as your ambassador and communicate in your insurance claims.

By default, insurance companies send their own insurance adjuster to process the case. But if you feel there’s an error in any part of the claim process, and need a knowledgeable person to evaluate and represent your case. You are allowed to hire a public adjuster who can provide this representation on your behalf to get a claim settlement for your policy.

Related: Private Insurance Adjusters in Florida Who Will Be Beneficial for You

Steps to take if your claim is being underpaid ClaimsPro USA

A public insurance adjuster can help policyholders in several ways –

  • Help you receive full and fair compensation.

A public adjuster will investigate your damage thoroughly to let you get the maximum claim you deserve. They will review your policy completely to verify what coverage it provides.

  • Relieve Stress

Claims insurance is a very complicated and time-consuming process that requires a lot of detailed paperwork. Working with a public adjuster will relieve you from all this stress and help you deal with your insurance company.

  • Can help you understand the entire process

A private adjuster will stand by your side from the start till the end. They will assist you every step of the way so that you’ll confidently face your insurance company.

Seeking a private insurance adjuster in Florida? Get the best assistance you deserve.

When you are in search of a public adjuster in Florida, you may search on Google. But not all adjusters give the same expertise. When you look for the Florida Panhandle Insurance adjusters make sure they are licensed by the state of Florida and can travel to any state in Florida for the proper assistance you deserve.

ClaimsPro USA has a team of licensed claims adjusters serving across Florida. No matter where you are living – from the Florida panhandle to Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, or Tampa Bay our expert public adjusters are always ready to help.

If you feel your claim is underpaid or you would prefer the peace of mind by having a seasoned public adjuster by your side from the beginning, contact ClaimsPro USA and get a free inspection. Call us at 1-833-252-4601

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