If you have to evacuate this hurricane season, it is important that you have a hurricane emergency kit. If you can’t evacuate but need to be there, this kit is also useful. A huge panic is a common sign that hurricanes are on the horizon. People rush to grab all they can when this happens. You can reduce the stress and anxiety of such an extremely chaotic situation by having an evacuation guide by your side.

Secure Your Home

If you need to evacuate, it is crucial to ensure the safety of your home to avoid further damages due to strong hurricane winds.

  • Learn how to protect your home from storm winds, storm surge, and flooding.
  • You can cover all windows with hurricane shutters, or with wood.
  • Tape can be used to prevent the glass from shattering.
  • Secure clips or straps to fasten your roof to your home’s structure if possible.
  • Clear gutters and trim all shrubs and trees.
  • Reinforce your garage doors.
  • All outdoor furniture, garbage cans, and home decoration structures should be kept inside.
  • Winds can be strong so avoid going nearer to windows and doors.

Power Outages

These are some things you should consider in the event of a storm that causes power outages. In such a scenario, it is important to take care of the following things:

  • Gas: Keep your tank full well in advance of a storm approaching. People wait until the last moment and rush to get gas for their cars and generators. Gas stations can then run out of gas early.
  • ATMs: Keep extra cash in case ATMs are not available or work in your area.
  • Cell Phones: After the power goes out, charge your phone and limit the use of your phone.
  • A/C: This is the most unpleasant side effect of losing power in a storm. Cover your windows inside to block as much light as possible from heating the house. You should not run any fans that are battery-powered or backup unless you’re actually in the room. While fans can create a temperature difference, they do not cool the room. Instead, they disperse heat from your skin and create cooling effects. They can even add heat to space by simply running.
  • Food: If you are expecting a power cut, turn down the temperature of your refrigerator and/or freeze any food that can be frozen. Make sure you have ice packs and a cooler ready to cool any drinks or snacks that are left unattended for over 4 hours. And importantly, check out the food safety guide for when to discard your perishable food:

The Bottom Line

Be aware that severe storms can be devastating and deadly. You’re likely to have experienced the distress and inconvenience that a Hurricane Storm can cause. Having an evacuation guide is one of the best ways to prepare. Listen to officials and prepare ahead. Prepare your home or shelter to allow the arrival of emergency personnel.

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