Are you having trouble getting an adequate settlement from your insurance claim? Have you been denied a claim? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions, you are not alone. Many people have been victimized by those who should be helping them the most, their insurance provider. When your property has been damaged, you want to be able to quickly reestablish a sense of normality as soon as possible. In many cases, insurance companies make this process difficult or altogether impossible. Between denied claims, prolonging the claims process, or underpaying policyholders many homeowners and businesses have been left feeling cheated and frustrated.
We take all the stress from having to deal with your insurance company away and will advocate on your behalf so that you can get the settlement you need as quickly and painlessly as possible! Our Public claims adjusters are seasoned veterans when it comes to the claims process and helping people in getting a reasonable settlement. Whether you are in the process of recovering from a natural disaster, fire, wind damage or trying to keep your business afloat after your property has sustained some damages, we are here to help! ClaimsPro USA has helped residents of Florida and business owners alike receive the settlement they need to repair or restore their property and we can do the same for you! We strive to help each customer receive the maximum settlement from their insurance provider in the shortest time frame possible.
Insurance companies are often finicky, and it can be stressful dealing with them on your own, but remember, you don’t have to! ClaimsPro USA will handle everything for you. From start to finish we will fight on your behalf so you can focus on what matters most, getting back on your feet and restoring your life back to the way it was.